
So i saw Berto at lunch. I was thinking about him and I was insanely happy. And then susana and i took a puse from talking and she look its Berto and i noticed the beanie he was wearing...and i knew for a fact that was him. So i just stared at him walking away contemplating whether i should go after him and susana was just telling me to go after him so i got up and she told me to run and i did...i dident wanna make myself seem wierd because i was running after someone. And well yeah i ran and he hugged me said hey and i asked him what the hell he was doing here and he said he was just here and like completly walked away. no bye. no i see you laters... just simply walked away...so i went walking back to the table that susana and i were sitting at and i was at the verge of tears...everytime i see him i start crying like crazy...as soon as i got outside the tears would not stop...all those good memories came flooding back into my mind... i really miss those days with him...sometimes i wish i could go back to those days. the days were i could smile and it wasent a fake one..where i dident have to take my heart and beat it fake. ughhh so i cried and cried and it seemed like every minute it just got worse. the tears came harder and harder...aiyahd held me and then i decided to go with toty... hes the one i go to ... for the first time he cared... he asked me what was wrong...but first he automatically dried my tears and held me and after a while he asked me what was wrong...ughh...and he kissed me and we made out but in my mind...it was roberto...what the hell was he doing here...i wonder if hell come after school. i really wanna see him...even tho it would be a really emotional time....but its like all the other times... i wont see him for a whole and wthen when i do see him i always cry and cry and cry but he always makes it better. but this time he just walked away with nothing to say...and i had just talked to him on the phone last night...and now in my brain he said that hopefully i see him soon....i was like what? why does he hope iiiiiiii see him soon...i guess he was planning this?...ugh...i love him! :[
January 15th, 2010 at 10:54pm