about myself

i figured i should tell whomever reads this a little about myself.
The name's stephanie but i prefer sydney which happens to be my middle name.
I am 15 years old.
I blew out the candles the 8th of January .
I was born in New York
I have 2 half-brothers(older) and 1 brother(younger).
I usually make friends fast.
Love reading, drawing things and taking pictures.
I am quiet, laid back and well lazy, i love cars.
My favorite sport is soccer, favorite player i don't way to hard to choose = )
If you've read my other journal entry you'd know i love music, my favorite bands are ; tokio hotel,greenday,daughtry, panic at the disco and others i am way to lazy to post up.
So that my friend is me,myself and i, anything i missed or you wanna know feel free to tell me or message or whatever you want to do!

LoVE sydney!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
January 15th, 2010 at 11:00pm