My birthday... Why is it always crap?

So its my birthday on the 23rd of this month, next saturday.

My birthday has never been good, yes I get presents off my mum and dad and im not ungratefull for that. Thats the best part.

But when it comes to what im gonna do I usualy like to hang out with my friends, but every year they dont want to or something elce is going on.

Like last year I decided to go skating so invited all my best mates. There was about 12 of us.
3 didnt come because they didnt wanna pay.
And one, urg nad. She decided not to come to skating but to get everyone to meet her after in town. I didnt want to go to town I had arranged afterwards for us all to go out to pizza hut for lunch. But no she asked people if they wanted to go to town and so when I said no they thought I was the bad person? Urg.

This year I decided I didnt realy know what to do. So I made a facebook message asking my mates what times there free coz a few of them have jobs.
So I posted lets go bowling, One of my friends said of I cant afford that. Its frinkin £4 each!!

For her birthday we went to the cinema and then out for a meal which came to about £20 each! And now she cant spen £4 on my birthday?!!? I can only ever do something I want when my parents pay becasue all of my friends cant loosen the purse strings for my birthday when I have for theirs!

So yet again nad has made up her mind that we should go out to dinner for my birthday. I said I cant as my parents want to take me and my boyfriend out for a meal at about 6. This is why I wanted to go bowling in the early afternoon.

So nad says 'oh well we can still go to dinner' WHAT! ITS MY BIRTHDAY?!!? YOU CANT HAVE A BIRTHDAY FOR MY BIRTHDAY WITHOUT ME!

Im jsut so fed up every year my birthday is crap. I dont think Ive had a good birthday since ive been like 7.

I dont even think im going to do anything now. they can celebrate at dinner without me.
January 16th, 2010 at 03:16pm