Things Change

One thing I've realized lately is that life sucks sometimes. Theoretically, it doesn't like anyone. It's like that one kid and everyone hates him. That 'everyone' is Life.
Meet Life. He's a bag of crap when he's PMS-ing but a sweet little girl and does what you want without a question. He's up and down and he likes roller-coasters. He doesn't like you.
Without a question, I love his brother, Living. I just don't like Life's personality but he's very attractive on the outside. Then again, I'm nearsighted and my prescription is -4.50.
Shopping is a girl who loves high numbers. She's greedy sometimes, sometimes generous.
And then meet Music. She loves everyone and does as she's told. She loves you. She's your lover, whether you want her or not. She gives you what you need: an escape for just a couple of hours.
Then meet Writing. She's mysterious, humorous, full of horror, sexy, creative, and she's your every fantasy. She's also an escape.
My best friends are Music and Writing.
But things change. Maybe you're forced to have to listen to some song you're not a fan of or maybe you get sick of it. Maybe because you have it at such a high volume, all you hear is beeping in your ear that no one else can hear. Maybe, just maybe, she's run out of supplies. And then Writing is being stubborn and doesn't want to admit that she's not drawing a straight line. Maybe she's on strike. She's blocking your entrance to the freedom you need after a long day of lectures, tears, and fighting. She's playing hard to get with all the wrong people.
And then things change again.
You come home so happy, so on top of everything and you spend the rest of the day laughing. The next day, you, Life, and your mom go out shopping and you spend. You give into the greed.
And everything's okay again.
You feel poetic, happy, and you're smiling and dressed in new clothes to show that you're not the same person you were yesterday. You've changed.
Everything changes, whether you notice or not. And if you love Life, don't just let him pass you by. You never know what you might miss.
You get over things, too, and it makes things normal again. Relationships are restored and your spirit inflates. And your eyes are fresh, back to normal from being infected. And the bitter coffee you've been tasting has turned into ice cold apple juice. And the allergic reaction that made you unable to see has gone away.
I feel like I can see again. Life and I have made up after a long fight, Shopping and I have reacquainted ourselves, Writing has overcome her barrier, and you and Living get married and have a kids named Joy and Happiness.
And everything turns out to be okay. You've just gotten through the darkness and now you're standing in the light with the sun smiling at you and the birds chirping in a applause.
You bow and hold your hands up. Victory.
Then you realize this has been your want the entire time. Things have to get worse before they get better. My mind had gone to Hawaii for a little while, too, so I forget that.
You should always, always remember that things change. Don't let disappointment hold you back.
God forbid that you listen to people. Do what you want. You and only you know what you need. You're the only 'you' there is. There is NO ONE who can tell you what you can do with your life. You and Life can run away together. If that's what you want, GO CHASE IT. Never, NEVER let ANYONE tell you ANYTHING about yourself. You are YOU and no one else deserves to put you down. You don't deserve to BE put down. Believe in yourself.
No one got anywhere by doing what other people thought best.
Remember that, too.
January 17th, 2010 at 02:02am