
Well feel kinda relieved, but i guess thats wat cigs are for... miss my frenz like hell rite now, boredom sucks a**, but hey who said it was ever fun. Ha, yeah well I just wish sum ppl would get over themselves. Also wish my dad would stop asking wat da hell he did wrong in raising me. Nothing I can think of is his fault, just becuz I didn't turn out how he wanted me to be doesn't mean he did something wrong. I change, ppl change, Change is inevitable. Now college is a big challenge for me, whoo, damn it can be hard, maybe its becuz i'm not giving it my all like I should be, but hey gotta give me a break. Man miss high school but then again i don't. Hmmmm. well that's all I think I want to rant about rite now.
January 18th, 2010 at 03:44am