Life in general and a dream boy...

Okay, first of all, if you're reading any of my stuff, that I know I havent updated in a while, I'm sorry. Being a high school senior, you have to write portfolios to graduate and I'm in the beginning stages of that long, stressful process. So I will update when I can. For now, you get a journal entry.

This is how my life is right now:

-Texas is still #1 in NCAA Men's basketball. So hooray for that. They didnt play all that well two nights ago and my heart had to be restarted during overtime. Figuratively of course.

-I applied at Office Depot today, so I'm praying that I get a job there. I need the money in a desperate way. Not just for spending but for saving for college and a car.

- I might have a job at a Christian summer camp starting in June. That'd be another awesome job opportunity. Again, saving up for college and a car.

- It sucks being single and trying to remain single in the last stretch of your senior year. There are a few guys that like me, and no I dont put out, and I just dont want to be mean by saying no if they ask me on dates. I'm going away, like out of state for college and I cant date anyone here because pretty soon, distance will be put between us.

- Mom paid the $250 deposit for my college. Yay! That means I'm reserving my spot for a dorm and classes and whatnot. All thats left is financial aid. Yeah, surprise. I'm not a rich kid thank the Lord. No offense to those of you who are and who might be reading this.

- My brothers are slowing beginning to realize that starting August 13, 2010, I wont be here anymore. I will no longer reside in the room next to theirs and they dont like that idea. Me being right there next to them is all they know, and theyre scared, along with me about what the future holds.

- Last, but not least, theres a dream boy... For the past 2 weeks I've had the same dream, if not a continuation of the previous night's dream and the Romeo in it is the same guy. He's unreasonably handsome. I dont know what it means, but if he goes to the same college I do, I will pee my pants. If I see him, you might as well call 911. It's crazy, but I like the idea of meeting a dream boy. I dont know, but we will see how life plays out.
January 18th, 2010 at 08:05pm