
I've wrote three poems today which is a personal best since poems don't really manifest themselves like that for me. Two free verse and a sonnet which I'm not all that happy with by constructive criticism is like...saffron or a nugget of the purest green. So, I give up on it, if I am honest. Which is a shame because I'll never know if I am getting better or worse. Which...is a pain in the proverbial bollocks.


I have a broken wrist, donchaknow? My Mum is like...claiming compensation since it occurred on public (i.e. cooncil) property since I fell on my face and broke my radius pretty badly. I go back for extras on Wednesday and they might have to operate.

And I missed my exams. Shame.

But yes.

I'm also a socialist and an atheist and a follower of the Cult of Skaro.

I love being relatively obscure.
January 18th, 2010 at 11:28pm