
I know I'm not invisible. I know that my presence bothers you and sets something boiling in your blood. I don't know why you choose to ignore me and be little me the way you do, and I don't know how much more I can take. I've lost too much in such a short time, my strength is dwindling and holding myself up is an exhausting task.

There's only a certain amount that a person can go through before they break. All of this together seems like far more than my mind, and body can handle. I'm not equipped emotionally for the obstacles in my path. Your words bring me to my knees even though I will never let you see.

I refuse to show my weak side to you. I won't show you that I can be beaten down. I won't let you win. When I'm hurt I know that you will just shrug it off like it's nothing. Just like you always have.

I miss the way things used to be. When my life seemed perfect minus the occasional boy problem here and there. Back when you and him got a long and I wasn't a bother. You both told me how much potential I had, and how much you loved me. I was happy, and so were you.

I love you, I always will. But there's only so much someone can take. Right?
January 19th, 2010 at 05:31am