Thoughts on Betrayal, Friends and Love

~Lie you may with beautiful words, but in the end they are as ugly as your heart.

~Love is a beautiful thing, but when you break the heart of an innocent, hatred finds its place in the world of the pure.

~Slay the demon that lies in my chest, so that I may embrace the magical curse called love.

~Lay another scar upon my heart when you're passing through, like so many have before you.

~I loved once, it was a magical mistake.

~You told me once that we'd be friends forever. I didn't believe then, but we got closer and I fancied the idea. Why did you lie to me then? You broke your promise.

You know that feeling you get when a friend, whom you've completely trusted with everything, tells you that they've lied to you and kept the truth from you for over a month? Well it's crappy to say the least if you don't know it. Betrayal is something I've never felt before and I'm not a big fan of being blantantly lied to. It feels like a demon crawled into your c hest and can't get out. Tearing you apart from the inside out with anger and sadness. That friend you could tell all your thoughts and secrets to, only to find out that they don't have the same trust for you.
January 19th, 2010 at 07:02am