Sorry to disappoint you, baby.

but you'll never learn to fly before you learn to fall,.scream before it all ends.
I hate to disappoint people. I've tried my best for a really long time. And lately, I've been slipping. In everything. Now I'm faling everything I try for. I guess I feel worthless, I have standards for myself, i just am not meeting them. And it upsets me. Sorry for my rant, so you click this, read it, and I wasted your time. So I'm sorry. I haven't cried In a long time. I haven't complained in forever, It's just not like me to do this kind of pathetic ranting. I was up all night last night. Until five am when I got ready for school. Hearing my mom and dad screaming at each other and him push her against my door. The worst thing? She defends him. Saying he didn't mean too. It was a accident or he didn't mean too he did. He did! Like this doesn't happen every night. every.single.night. I can't take it anymore. Him hurting her, and me and my siblings. And we walk around the house like everything fine. (: It's not, I'm not. I don't know where I'm going, or what I'm doing, but something needs to change soon

it wasn't a accident...
January 19th, 2010 at 11:56pm