Experiencing the Unknown or the Unexplained Phenomenons



The Unknown.

How does a person explain to others when they have experienced something so frieghtening and unfathomable to a point of not being able to understand it themselves. Many people go through different experiences in life whether it be with small spirits, sprites, demons, elementals or even the omens of wolves. I have experienced alot around my home and have wittnessed many things, things that i myself cant even explain. Maybe there are simple explainations for what i have felt or witnessed then again maybe there arent. I live in a two story home that sits in front of 14 acres of woods and i have lived there for 20 yrs. I'm 23 years old right now. My mother still remains living there right now, since i have moved out.

At night when you look upon my house from the road it looks very forboding and eerie, but my experiences have told me that there are things that go Bump in the Night. The land that my home sits on has been in the family for more then 20+ yrs. I have recently experienced many different things while i have lived there. My first being that when i was a small child i would see imagines of ghost in my room, or i would be sleeping yet partially awake and hear footsteps within my room itself. I never could explain why i would hear them but they were there. Over a few years things began to become more stronger.

When i got older i started becoming uneasy sleeping in my house for when i went to sleep it felt as if i was being watched and had to turn my tv on to even sleep. I at one point had an "False Awakening" (A false awakening is an experience where someone vividly dreams they have awoken from sleep. After a false awakening, people often dream they are performing daily morning rituals, believing they are truly awake. The experience is sometimes called a "double dream", or a "dream within a dream".)..something that was very disturbing in itself. I had awoke thinking that i was getting up and about to go downstairs when i had finally snapped out of my dream and realized i was fully awake and had dreamed a false awakening. Not very often do people experience those types of dreams, but to make matters worse the following night i had what is called a "Sleep Paralysis"..(A Sleep Paralysis is possibly a hereditary disorder in which one experiences very frightening seconds or minutes of total body paralysis with little respiration and eye movements (1). A victim in this state feels awake, but he cannot move or speak (2). In addition to the immobility, the common symptoms include feeling choked or suffocated, hearing strange noises like footsteps and voices, seeing beings or dark shadows, and feeling an existance of someone in the room.) When i was in my state of paralysis i couldnt move or do anything and i was scared and terrified i couldnt talk or yell and the whole time in my personal experience and opinion i felt as if something was trying to hold me down for real while something else was slowly creeping towards me. I didnt know what to do but i struggled and fought with my body to move and eventually i broke free from the hold, after that happened i was afraid to sleep. I have not had that experience since, but that didnt stop other things from happening in the long run.

Later in my life i had wittnessed seeing something evil and it gave me the feeling of being threatened, i was outside late one night and my friend was with me, but she didnt see what i had seen. The features were hard to make out for the creature was there and gone in a matter of seconds. It was about 14ft. tall from ground to shoulder and had the appearance of a wolf and blood red eyes. It had looked right at me and gave off the feeling of as if it were trying to say "I am watching you and if you do anything i will kill you." Ever since that night i had been on edge and still felt as if i were being watched. Then one day i had been out riding my 4 wheeler during the day and spotted something huge and white laying on the ground, turned out to be a clean as if bleached carcuss of a bones from a deer, it was disturbing to say the least but i didnt think to much of it until i came across the skinned hid of what looked like a coyotes fur, but what really made me uneasy was if the coyote killed and ate the deer then what skinned the fur of the coyote and just left the skin but no remains.

I have always believed in the paranormal and supernatural things in life because anything is possible, many people dont believe and that is there choosing, but just know that because you cant see it doesnt mean it isnt there.

I also experienced the feeling of almost being attacked by something, but instead i think it was warning me, telling me to get out of the room. I was resting in my moms room on a saturday afternoon and we have a house dog. My mom took the dog to get groomed that day and so i was there alone for awhile, i chose to take a nap in my moms room and as i was falling asleep i felt something walking along the top of the sheets, i had thought it was the dog and ignored it, but then it happened again and realized that the dog wasnt there she was at the dog groomers, and as soon as i realized that i felt something unnerving rush at my face and i had my eyes closed at the time, but instead of it going past me..the feeling of it rushed at me but stopped directly in my face and my heart pounded and i was scared to open my eyes, as soon as i did nothing was there, just a feeling off unease. So i left my moms room and havent slept in there unless i had to. When i do rest in there i dont rest well at all it is constantly a restless sleep.

Just here recently i had gone home for the holidays and my boyfriend came down by train to meet me so we could drive back to where i live with him. While we were still in my home town at my moms house we took my digital voice recorder and decided to put it in my moms room and let it record for 3 hours while we were out. No one could have been at the house during the time we were gone becasue my mom was out of town and we were the only once staying there. When we got back and started relistening to what we heard it was a little unnerving, because i had expected something to be recorded but not so much within those hours.

Here are some clips of what was recorded i would put the whole thing on there but it is really long so here are 2 recording clips i will post along with this article.

January 20th, 2010 at 03:59am