I'm not mad, I'm just bored.

you know what I get really really really tired of hearing about? How incredibly hot gerard way is, hes not that attractive to be quite frank (no pun intended). I also get really pissed when a fan of my chem states their negative opinion about them and gets fucking attacked. I see this happen alot, not just to me but to other people too. Like, I have been a fan since 2003 which is longer then most (at least on here and other websites) and then if I say something bad about my chem like they are becoming more commercialized (which is true, look around you) I am immediately called a 'teeny' or im 'not a real fan' what the hell is that about? Do we have to agree with everything our favorite band does? Or are they automatically right and true about everything and everything they say is completely truthful? Grr it just fucking pisses me off you know? And then what the hell is with this 'you know your a real fan of mcr when....' thing going around? I think your a real fan if you listen to the music. Like what does knowing all the band members names have to do with anything? Or where mcr originated. And who fucking cries when "something bad happens to mcr" or when they see stuff about back when gerard was a raging alcoholic. You dont know him, you didnt go through that with him. Im not saying I did but no fan has.

It also pisses me off that everyone on this site is fuckin 'depressed' I'm sure some of you are but I have a feeling most of you are just attention whores. Almost every single fucking journal is like 'im about to cut' or 'omg i cant belive he did this to me :((((((' wtf? if you really had huge fucking problems like that I dont think youd put it on a journal. Maybe im wrong but when I was actually depressed (proven by my therapist, I wasnt just like 'im crying, omg i must be depressed, time to get the razor out') I didn't realy want strangers reading about me deep deep REAL problems. I'm sorry if this offended any of you.

Sorry, I know long fucking rant but I'm just getting really annoyed with everything today .
Peace x<3X<3x<3
May 30th, 2007 at 03:29am