New York Tourist

I decided to leave work eary today and have some me time. The past year has taken its toll and I dont think that my mind could take the trainwreck that was placed on my desk this morning.

I went to my boss and took a mental health day.

It just so happened that I happened to be carrying around my Nikon DSLR ( taking photos at a wedding the night before). So I decided to play tourist in the city that I know so well. Its shocking how much beauty the city has to offer that I walk by every day and dont give a second glance.

I posted some pictures on my brand new Tumblr. Check them out if you want. This is for my readers that have been asking what has been taking so long with the new update. Short answer. Some me time. Here is the link to see the pics.

By the way I love love love the last picture of the stature outside of Grand Central. I am going to post my final pic of the night. The one I took right before I went into my apartment.
January 21st, 2010 at 02:25am