Why I don't Care about Abortion (sort of angry journal).

I just don't. It's the woman's choice.
Yadda Yadda Yadda blah blah blah.

Life is better in threes. Like. In threes. Three meals a day. 24/8=3. Math. Bro. I just did math.

I like Jersey Shore. Guidos, we don't have any in Spokane. sadface. My favorite is Snooki. She just so short, and I'm so short. And yeah, she's like a sister from a different mister.

I might be really high. Yeah. Really high.

Weed. Plus Me. Equal. A kite.

Moshing Monster (Liz).

ps. I feel like My Life as Liz, is a rip off my life. Fuckers.

Bon Soir.
January 21st, 2010 at 03:18am