That Night

Just a couple of days ago, Mel took me down to Pt Elliot for about four days. We had fun like we always do but there’s one particular night I want to talk about: our last night there. First of all though, I am going to fill you in on a couple of things so it all makes sense.
Sean was also down at Pt Elliot staying in the caravan park, like he always does this time of year, and for Sean and I Pt Elliot has been our thing together for the past couple of years (since we both realised that we stay in the same place at the same time anyway). This year I wasn’t going down because of France and also cos my rents couldn’t get the booking again so we were both bummed that we weren’t going to be catching up in Pt Elliot this year but then Mel invited me down again so we could all catch up. YAY :D
One night Sean was over Mel’s place with us and we were just talking and he told us about how on Sat his dad was going back up to Adelaide and that it would just be him and his brother Jackson for Sat night. Jackson is 21. Sean invites us over for a night of drinking (I’ve never been drunk or tipsy before cos that’s just my choice and they wanted me to drink with them, they said I needed to learn where my limit was and it was safer doing it with them than anyone else. I didn’t really want to get drunk but I was happy to have a drink). That was the plan, Jackson get us the drinks and we tip them back.
The next day Mel and I were walking down the street to get lunch and just happened to see Jason. I knew he was staying in Middleton but I didn’t know what was happening with him and also to tell the truth, I didn’t really want to see him. But we saw him, sitting in front on the bakery eating a sausage roll and I freaked a little. We kept walking and I just pretended not to see him, got our lunch and went back to Mel’s. I have to admit thought, now once I had seen him I wanted to see him again! Off we went again and walked around for a little with me hoping we would run into him. We did see him again but he was leaving to go back to Middleton, Mel laughed when he looked out the window at us. I felt triumphant, why I have no bloody idea.
After that I begged Mel to go to the psychic fair with me cos I love all that stuff (yeah, I’m weird whatever) and I get a text from Jason. (Ok, one more thing to explain: Jason and I have had a thing going from the end of year 9 and I am now going into year 11 so it’s been awhile. But it was only these holidays that we had finally hooked up but Jason didn’t want a relationship, he wanted something more along the lines of friends with benefits. At first I was like, um, I don’t think so because I deserved better than that after all the shit he’d put me through. Oh yeah, by the way, he’s been using me and stringing me along since the end of year 9 and I only forgave him, AGAIN, because he said he’d treat me better. This isn’t exactly treating me better but I’ve realised this is all I’m going to be getting out of him. So I texted him asking if I was allowed to change my mind and it wasn’t until this fair, and the fact that I was in Pt Elliot, that he replied. I pretty sure he wanted to get some so that is why he replied then and not when he was back up in Adelaide cos he knew I was down in Pt Elliot). The text pretty much said;

Sorry for the mega late reply, it’s your mind and you can do what you like ps. I didn’t know you were in Pt Elliot!

(Translation: Now I know you’re nearby and I can get it on with you I thought I would reply, fuck yes you can change your mind because I really want to get in your pants ps. You’re in Pt Elliot, let’s catch up so I can suck your face and stick my hands places)

It wasn’t a surprise to me when the next text from him was asking if we could catch up. Well, fine, I did ask for this and I wouldn’t mind trying a friend’s with benefits thing too. I do like this kissing business and who doesn’t like being touched? I couldn’t really say no either cos, well, now we’re friends with benefits! This is what we do! I asked Mel and she said she didn’t mind (Shock! Shock! Shock!) So we planned to meet up. Somewhere along the line, either me or Mel, came up with the idea that we could invite Jason to our drinking thing with Sean that night then we would have someone to walk us home. We sorted things out, called people, organised it with the rents and Jason and Sean. It was happening, Sean and Jason were to meet us at Mel’s place (cos we couldn’t go back to the caravan park until 10) at 7:30 then we’d do whatever until we could go back.
Ok the night went like this (surprise, yes I can remember it):
Sean and Jason rocked up, we said bye bye to Mel’s rents and brother, walked to a park nearby with Sean’s mega-full bag (he had bought three six packs of cruisers and some redbear and it was all stashed in his back pack) and proceeded to drink. I got a pat on the back from Mel when I finished my first cruiser before her; it was passionfruit flavour and tasted like fanta. At first all I felt was the need to pee and my stomach hurt like I had drunk or eaten something bad (which I had, I had just pretty much poisoned myself) so I was reluctant to have another but Sean opened one for me anyway. This one I dragged out and took ages to drink because I was trying to get my stomach to settle. By then we were heading towards the caravan park and we were at the beach. I ran down onto it with Sean and headed for the water, it was amazingly warm. It felt beautiful and I was really tempted to go for a swim (ok, no, I was NOT tipsy or drunk at this stage and even if I wasn’t drinking I would have wanted to. I have always had the secret desire to go swimming at night) but I knew better and Sean wasn’t going to let me anyway. That night Sean and I had a really good talk and I remembered why we are friends, I have so much fun with him and he makes me happy. He also makes me feel really safe, which is a good thing when you’re drinking I guess. After the beach we went into the caravan park but since we weren’t allowed to go back to Sean’s tent just yet we sat down on the grass area for a bit and wandered around. Funny moment: there was a group of guys, maybe in the same year as Sean (the year below) or a little younger, who were riding scooters and they were checking Mel and I out. Sean was in a mood to fight (because Mel was flirting like there was no tomorrow with Jason cos she didn’t want to hook up with Sean) and so there was a little friendly bickering with them. Then Sean was like; you ride scooters, we ride women! It was hilarious cos the little boys didn’t know what to say, Sean was so proud of himself too. Then, after a toilet stop cos well all needed to pee out the poison, we headed for Sean’s brother’s “make-out spot” down one of the tracks that my family and I had walked the previous year so I knew where we were going.
On the way there we stopped to pull out more drinks and I finished my second cruiser then had a couple of sips of Sean’s redbear. Jason and I left a couple of empty bottles on the porch of one of the villas (hehe, woops) then off we went to this make out spot. At first Mel was like, I’m not going down that track! There are probably snakes and I can’t see anything! I was a little reluctant too cos it was really dark and I knew from last year that it’s easy to lose the track cos in some places it’s fair worn out so you can’t see it. But out came the phones (for light) and off we went, Sean and I up front and Mel and Jason trailing behind. Chatting and giggling we made it to the spot and sat down. Talking happened, feeling happened (including Sean accidently putting his hand on my arse and announcing it to everyone! It was an accident too cos he had his arm around me and he slipped his arm down a little more to make it comfortable and then he was like, shit that’s your arse! Sorry! I have to say I did go a little red cos I was supposed to be hooking up with Jason and here was Sean announcing to everyone...oh whatever.) and they tried to get me to drink the last cruiser and to skol (no fucking way was I skolling that drink! And I didn’t really want to drink it either so I just said no) then the attention was focused on Mel and for some reason Sean and Jason were trying to get her to take her top off so she was just in her bikini. I have no idea why (well I know why they want her to: Jason because he got really horny after those drinks and Sean because he likes Mel and wanted to see her in her bikini again). Thank god she was only tipsy (she was playing it up a bit too) and had the sense to keep it on and say no to them and after a few comments from me as well they finally left it alone.
Finally it was ok for us to go back to Sean’s tent and the trip back this time was Mel and Sean in front and Jason and I a fair bit behind them. Jason was pulling me behind cos he wanted to hook up, walking and hooking up is not easy. You can’t walk in a straight line (not good when you’re walking along a dirt path that isn’t easy to see and with bushes either side) and we also clashed teeth once cos we stumbled together into a ditch then back out again. But we got back to Sean’s tent alright, sneaking past the villa where we left the bottles, but then we had to do another toilet stop so off we went again. On the way to the bathroom, Jason and I were really far behind and then he pulled me behind one of the cars and we made out for a bit but then I felt like my bladder was going to burst so I pulled him back out again. It was cute cos Sean was walking towards us when I came back round the corner and he couldn’t help but laugh and was like, you guys good back there? I still lol at his face. God, I love you Sean. Anyway, we went for another toilet stop (I have never peed that much in my life) and Mel and I took forever in the bathroom cos Mel was freaking. She didn’t want to hook up with Sean and she didn’t want to hurt his feelings but Sean was thinking otherwise. I knew this cos he was talking to me about it on the beach. So we made a pack that we would link arms and not let go no matter what, as soon as we step out of the bathroom Sean dives between us and breaks the link and Jason is grabbing me from behind and slipping his hands in my short pockets. Did not work one little bit. Went to the tent and talked with Sean off to the side for a bit cos he was talking to me about Jason. He wanted to know if I was ok (he’s such a sweetie, I love that boy) and then asking me what I wanted with Jason and all that. Then we turn around and from our point of view it looks like Jason and Mel are hooking up (I get the low down from Mel later and apparently he was feeling her up and trying to get her to hook up with him but she said no and what about Nadia (me) and he said that I obviously wanted to hook up with Sean! Jason was so god damn horny but it was ok, I wasn’t pissed off cos we’re friends with benefits, we’re allowed to hook up with whoever we want not just us so meh) but I knew they weren’t cos Mel would one, never do that to me. Two, absolutely hates Jason and thinks he’s all the names under the sun. But Sean was still getting pissed off and I was trying to calm him and all that...I don’t think it worked much. I know what you’re thinking and no, he didn’t start a fight with Jason. He just walked over to make them move apart which worked and I felt a little awkward. I was like, um, hello Jason, WHAT ABOUT ME??? Friends with benefits is good and all but when it’s just four people and you’re supposed to be hooking up with me then, um, hook up with ME! Not with my best friend! God, that boy really knows how to start trouble! Sean was more than a little pissed off cos this is how it went: I wanted to hook up with Jason, Jason wanted to hook up with both me and Mel, Mel didn't want to hook up with anyone and Sean wanted to hook up with Mel.
I pulled Mel aside to talk to her cos of Sean and I whispered what Sean was feeling to her cos the boys were having a dnm like us just a little way away. They came back and Sean sat down, pulling Mel on his lap and Jason sat down in the other chair (oh, I forgot to add that Sean got us chairs to sit in outside the tent, only two as well) and so I sat down on Jason’s lap. That was nice cos he was warm and I was getting cold since the vodka was wearing off a bit. One thing about Jason: he likes to run his hands up and down you a lot and stroke your upper, upper things. He doesn’t stop at the start of your shorts either. Between chatting to Mel and Sean (I can’t remember what they were talking about, I didn’t talk much that night) Jason would kiss me on the cheek, head and lick my lips but I refused to open them cos I didn’t want to hook up right in front of Mel and Sean. (Before I go on here I just want to mention that I swear that Jason got a bonner when I sat on his lap and if he did, he doesn’t need any help keeping one) It might have given Sean ideas to go for it with Mel and all that would have happened would be Mel rejecting him in front of Jason and I....uh, NOT GOOD. I do remember the end of the convo though which was Mel making Sean and Jason go find water for us. So we both hopped off their laps and sent them on a quest to get us water (it was getting close to 11:30 which was the time we had to be back at Mel’s) while we crawled into the tent to talk. I don’t remember what we talked about but I do remember the boys coming back, without water, and then me and Sean going out to sit on the chairs and talk. And I remember on the way out of the tent Sean put the flap of the tent up so Jason couldn’t make another move on Mel (while we were talking the wind blew it down so I thought, but apparently Jason pulled it down cos he asked Mel to hook up with him again. I am pissed about that cos Mel gets all the freaking guys and there’s finally one boy, who I’ve been crushing on for a LONG time, who likes ME first. Who wants ME and not Mel and here he is trying to hook up with her when I’m only a couple of steps away. My theories: He was A. Tipsy and when he drinks he gets really horny (cos he was, really horny I can tell u that FOR SURE) B. Trying to make me jealous cos I was spending a LOT of time with Sean C. Or at least seeming like he was with Mel while I was with Sean since he thought I wanted to hook up with Sean and D. He just plainly wanted to hook up with Mel cos she is hot and he thought this was his chance (Mel was acting a lot more tipsy and less sober than what she was, she was playing it up for sure and I think she was asking for it from both Jason and Sean)). So anyway, Sean and I are talking and this is where I break it to him that;
A. Mel does NOT want to hook up with him B. That she doesn’t like him C. That she’s not worth it and D. No she will NOT “just hook up with you” and yes, it will screw up your friendship. After that I go into the tent with Jason and Mel and told Mel what just happened. (God, I hate those inflatable matrasses that you roll all around on! Cos as soon as I lay down, I was rolling Jason’s way!) Then Jason and Mel told me their plan cos turns out they were plotting how Mel could get outta the situation with Sean while I was out talking to him. I was pissed at her then cos this was Sean, my good friend that I love, and she was trying to ditch him! But I went along with it anyway cos...well cos Jason and Mel’s deal was this: Jason calls Mel’s phone and pretend that its her mum asking her to come home now and Jason’s reward for doing it: raping me. Ok, not raping me but getting to do what we wanna on the walk home cos Mel had promised that she would walk in front and we could do whatever behind. So really, I didn’t complain too much. I went back outside with Sean while Jason made the call and Mel faked it (or “acted” it out), I can tell you Sean was a little annoyed but it happened and we went home.

The walk home Mel did what she promised and walked in front. She had to wait for us a couple of times cos Jason would stop and pull me to him. We got to Mel’s place and she sat on the wall and talked to us while I was in Jason’s arms. He really likes running his hands and arms all over me (and I mean ALL over me but that didn’t happen till Mel turned her back). There are other details here that I will fill you in on in person cos I don’t believe they are things to write down (just in case).

Anyway, that is the story of That Night.
January 21st, 2010 at 11:48am