
Hey guys (:

How you all doing?
I'm alright, myself.

One thing that doese suck though...
They are absolutly horrid, don't you agree? (:
Well, the only reason I'm talking about school is beacuse...well...I'm at school right now!

So....school...blah...whatever, haha.

You guys can probbaly tell I'm utterly bored =]
But yeahhh...haha.

I'll update you about some of my stories right now:

BTI; Complete <3
TTW-BTI Sequel; Going very well. Updates fairly often

Unknown Title; Meh. Not sure if I'm going to continue or not.
A Christmas Tale; ...Might wait til next Christmas...I'm not really inspired, but if you guys want I may continue

Fate; No updates in half a year!?!?! Don't worry. They're coming =D

World War Three; I have tons of ideas....but I have too much going right now. I might try and contiue (:

I'm Alone To Face This Unforgiving World; I'm stil liking this! I might post some thoughts in it soon! (:

I think that's about all.

Later guys <3
January 21st, 2010 at 08:46pm