22/01/10 <3

it's been about two years since my last journal thing, so here goes nothing :)
Right well DiDA and History are shit, i'm no good with computers and can't remember dates, "what's the reichstag fire?" - "urm... a fire in a stag?"
Aha :L also, relationships played a big part in the past two years, oh dear me :)
Let's go through them all.
Taymar - Pako? Sam, Lee, Mitch, Andy, James <3
Toria - Mike ;D whatta guy. <3
Me - Domm <3
EJ - Sam, Danny, Dylan. <3

Boom, well that's us four. As you can see, me and Toria fail in this region <.< oh well, what do you do 'ey (:
I decided to take up photography aswell? For some reason i don't quite understand :) i'm taking it in sixth form in September this year with Toria and Dom, should be a laugh i think ;D I'm also taking English Language, Modern History and Film Studies. I know that none of these subjects join together in any way, but I'm cool with that (:

We're all really exited to go to sixth form, as Collegiate is shit. We have a new head teacher who's made up some stupid rules.

1. Hair back
2. Skirt no shorter than a hands width from the knee
3. Only black hair accessories
3. No shaved hair.
4. Only black hat, gloves and scarves.
5. No jackets to, from or in school
6. Tie atleast 6 stripes long
7. Top button done up at all times
8. Shoes that cover the whole foot.
9. No make-up

And more D: obviously, nobody follows them :L

Its my birthday on the 4th of February, hopefully getting a Fujifilm Finepix S1500, so i can take decent photos now.
I'm seeing Enter Shikari on the 6th of February, and Pendulum in May some time.


Anywho, i'm babbling :)
Au revoir ;)
January 22nd, 2010 at 09:38pm