Scared of sex

My housemate just informed me that I am scared of sex. Initially I laughed and claimed that was silly. Then backed down because I realised he's actually totally right. Well, at least a little bit.

I don't know what it is. I think ultimately I blame Catholicism. It guilted me out my entire school life. Yet everyone else seemed to just either get on with it and their lives or becames atheists, pagans, agnostics and sceptics. I didn't really fall into any one of those categories until about ten months ago.

It made me doubt a very natural part of life, or rather it's credibility and importance. As a result, I'm not a normal person. I'm not a freak of nature - in fact, I'm a pretty cool person in every other respect. I'm nice to people, I'm not a pushover, I read all the time and can't get enough of living to the max. But I can't help wondering that maybe I've left it too late to really get a certain part of my life back.

I'm not saying I'll feel like this for ever. I'm certain I won't, that would be ridiculous. But to be perfectly honest, God seriously screwed me over on this one and now I can't get that time back again.

So thanks God. Thanks a whole bunch.
January 23rd, 2010 at 05:48am