Appartently, I got 'comment raped.' ? And its my birthday.

I'm not stupid, I understand what that term means, but can't we find a nice term?

And, if you're going to comment on my page, why do they say sorry for the comment rape that is about to happen.

I mean, they are apart of my attack. :)

Thanks for the comments, though, I feel welcomed.

The first story I've read on here is Contagious by Hippiedays and patisradder. It's great, check it out.

I turned 18 today. Still single, but I gots time. XD

This journal doesn't really have a point, but whatever. Uhm....

I need more words. So, tell me your favorite stories on Mibba? And read Contagious!
January 23rd, 2010 at 07:52pm