Friends, or Not Friends? That is the Question...and ze Story....

It's been a while with 'Never Speak Again' because I've been trying really hard to make it better than anything I've done. I hope the chapter will be finished before next weekend (and I'm sorry for the delay).
I'm sort of weak when it comes to criticism that just hits home (like from my what happened last week). I've been really mean because I want to take my anger out and I've been misdirecting it at my friends.
Speaking of friends...
My friend had a sleepover last night with me and my two other friends.
Towards the end, though, she was being rather rude to me:
When I outstretched my arms for a hug, she just waved and walked away (and didn't even smile).
When I wasn't in the room, she was talking about me as if I couldn't hear her (and she was talking about how I didn't clean up any of her crap and ONLY cleaned up MINE) which was incredibly rude and extremely annoying, especially when one of my friends asked me why I was so bummed and asked if it was the host...I shrugged... and then my friend [the host] said that if I was going to talk about her then I should say it to her face or talk quieter. It was hypocrisy and it made me pretty angry).
And she was ONLY mad at me. She acted normally with everyone else...
But I don't wanna bring you guys down, so I'll stop right here before I get carried away.
Hope you had a good week, by the way.

(Also, how do you get your anger out without being mean to people or isolating yourself...?)
January 23rd, 2010 at 08:14pm