
ok so i texted nick today.... kinda figured that i couldnt go without talking to him =(... too bad he never accepted my apology... but i dont deserve his forgiveness! oh yeah and heres a kicker for you!!!!! ok remember that don kid? well him and nick are now bff's =( yeah shocker right?! well now nick decided to say that i was an asshole to him, i still am an asshole to him, and i was never really a good friend but i guess i deserve it... even though i was the only one stopping him from killing himself.... i should just give up trying to be in a relationship!! because i move every year and 2 because im ugly and fat and no one will ever want me =(..... OH WELL! oh yeah and since nick decided to treatme like an asshole, i felt like an asshole and i felt like shit.... i felt so bad that i went back to cutting.... and now i feel even worse.... welll i have to go

<3 justin
January 24th, 2010 at 06:57pm