In Need Of Romance Advice -- YET AGAIN

if you've read my previous blog you'll see I'm talking about the same guy.

So M has been showing me really much interest lately. He came and sat down where I was sitting with my girlfriend and started talking to me like nothing and he's been texting and then on Friday night he was at a bar with his friends and he was texting me and later that night he called me.
But this has always been like this he shows interest and then he ignores me and then he shows interest.

We talked on Friday, a tiny bit on Saturday and haven't talked at all today.

I don't know what to think anymore.

Is he applying he likes me or is he just messing with my head?

It's just so hard to figure him out. He's shy and ugh he's such a mystery.

So I need peoples opinion, because I don't wanna get my hopes up if he's just playing with my emotions.

So be honest and any advice will be well appreciated.
January 25th, 2010 at 12:13am