How to make a new 'BAD' word

How to make a new 'bad' word. The process is simple and stupid...yet people still do it. The first thing to do is open up a dictionary of a pretty good size. Quickly skim through it, until you run into a four, maybe longer, lettered word and see if it is frequently spoken in ordinary conversations. If not you have found your test subject. To make your new 'bad' word more effective with teen have to make sure it sound bad or gross. That would mean it has to be something you can con people into thinking is a sin against God or has something to do with sex. Like the F-word! It does both! Next is to come up with a new meaning of your own wicked mind. Something random, but still logical so more people, including the smart one's, into thinking it's a bad word. Also when spreading your new 'bad' word, you most always remember what you are to say first before starting a new trend in teen language. It's a very simple line, that most teens have probably heard before. Usually something like, "Guess what I heard?" or "You won't believe what I just heard!" These are some of the first starting statments you can say to get more people to ask questions and then get them to spread the word. This spreading of 'secret' conversation is gossip. Then the dangerous part comes. This is when your parents hear a rumor about the word and then another rumor goes around that you created the new 'bad' word. So the last part you have to do in making your new 'bad' word is to cover your tracks. Con both of your parents, all your friends, and more random people into thinking you heard it off the internet. Yes, the good old internet! It gets you through everything. That's how we never find out who created a new 'bad' word. This is how to make a new 'BAD' word!
January 26th, 2010 at 02:54am