My First Entry...Which Could Really Use a Better Title

So, to get things started right off the bat, here's the dealio with my journals. I won't bore you with my lackluster life (most of the time; sometimes I just can't resist), but instead use this for updates about my work and occasionally shout-outs to people. I won't update everyday day either, although I'll try to update at least once a week. Without further ado...

First thing's first. Stories.

As you've probably noticed, I only have one story up, and as of now it's only a prologue. I hope to finish stories before I move on to new ones, so don't expect to see anything new for awhile, unless of course new is reffering to a new chapter.

Also, I have a limited time on the computer since I'm one of five people in my family who use the thing, so I have to resort to longhand for most of my writing. This takes a lot longer for me than typing, since my writing is sloppy (curse being left-handed *shakes fist at heavens*) and my wrist cramps up after just twenty to thirty minutes. Sooooooo...updates on my chapters will hopefully-- just like these journal things-- be once a week. But don't get you're hopes up since I also have to factor in plotting, world building, character development and other artistic goodies as part of my writing, and that won't be up here (at least not yet, and I'm not even sure that kind of "behind-the-scenes" crap is allowed).

Yeah, I don't plan EVERYTHING before I write. I find that extremely boring, and by the time I'm done I feel as though I've already written the novel and there's no point in actually writing it. Get my point? I usually do a small map or two, and come up with main characters and an extremely loose plot. I really like loose plot lines, it makes writing more enjoyable for me since I surprise myself (and often my characters) at what happens.

Until next week!

- Nolan a.k.a Barry
January 26th, 2010 at 03:41am