
1. He's shit behind a tree. Then, wiped his ass with a Wal-Mart bag. Him and my boyfriend went on a walk and were coming back.

2. We were listening to the radio and some pregnancy commercial came on and Jon said: "Ooohhh! This makes me so kinky!"(Jon can have the funniest girl voice ever!)

3. For Halloween, we went to this like, home for the disabled. And this one guy's like: "Their hott!"(or he said something like that) To my sister, boyfriend, and I. After we left, Jon said: "He scares me!" (Not funny? Cry about it!)

4. When he stayed the night at my bf's house, they carved stuff in to the tree at the cemetery cause he lives hallway down the road from it. My bf carved my name perfectly in to it. When Jon's gf( My use to be best friend, long story.) wanted to see what Jon carved, my bf sent it and it was a beautiful design of lines. Yup. That's it. Just lines that looked like thorns.
5. Jon spit in my(use to be friend) mouth.

6. When Jon and my (use to be friend) were making out, Jon said:"Ow you bit my lip you fucking bitch! That hurt! Bite it again"

7. One day at the post office, their was an somewhat old lady sitting in her car next to us watching us. I was in the front and mom went in. Kynzie, my 5 year old sister sat behind me. Then my bf, then Jon. My bf reached up and kissed me. And Jon, kept sticking his finger up my bf's butt. The old women was still watching us all awhile.

8.Jon has put two small tires on a big bike frame and rode it to school

9. When Jon and I walked to the store, I did a round-off and pulled a leg muscle. I dropped to the ground and said:"Ow! I pulled my groin!" (Don't ask) And Jon said:" Awh. Do you want me to kiss it?!"

10. In 7Th grade, my locker was bye like, a nerd. And Jon was blocking her locker and she pushed him out of the way. She said something like move retard or whatever. And Jon's all:"Don't tell me to move bitch!"

11. In 7Th grade, some short annoying loud kid was in front of us. He had glasses and his name was Douglas. Jon's like: Douglas. Shut the hell up." And I can't remember if he said anything else. But he pushed him forward and he went to lean back to hit Jon, and he missed. And Jon laughed and said:"Ha ha! You missed fag-let!

12. At Walgreen's, there was this thingy in the candy aisle to where it says like: "Blah blah chocolate" Well, she has like this seductive voice, and Jon was copying her.

13. At Walgreen's, Jon walked around with a cane. He picked up a box and said:" Here. This is for you and Geoff" And it was like, vaginal rings or something. Jon and I had a light-saber fight. And, he dropped this toy with like, four cars in it. (They were like, matchbox cars and four came with it) and the cars spilled on to the floor. And Jon slowly walked away and I laughed hard.

Jon and I had Lot's of funnier moments that you just had to be there for! But, my memory has failed so I hope you like and I didn't bore you!
January 26th, 2010 at 03:55am