Vampires and Trends

In 2008, 2009, and 2010, a trend has picked up. The vampire/human girl lover trend. To those who aren't familiar with vampire lore:

1. Vampires need blood to live/sustain their lives
2. Vampires have weaknesses such as garlic or sunlight
3. Vampires have strengths such as increased strength, telepathy or charm/mind control
4. A virgin who is bitten will turn into a vampire, a non virgin becomes a Ghoul
5. Vampires are undead. Since vampires are undead, they don't have emotions and can't love you. (sorry ladies ): )

I will point out here that Ghosts are undead too, but ghosts are emotional. A ghost usually lingers in our realm because of some hugely emotional event at their death that disallowed them to leave! If you want to love something undead, love a ghost =]

But, i digress, back to the story.

Since vampires don't have emotions, how can a story like Twilight be logically accurate? It really can't. Stories such as that can't be logical, and sometimes the writer has to twist some information to make the story work. Things like "Vampires are usually vulnerable to sunlight, but this one is special and isn't!" can usually save the idea for a story and keep it fresh. I approve of all writing and stories.

What i don't approve of is how many stories, knockoffs, slasher writings and fantasies are mediated without thinking about how the OLD vampires feel. How do you think Dracula feels about Twilight? He's probably tearing his hair out because humans are ignorant about his race. =[

Doesn't that just put a needle in your side? To know that out there, while you're fantasizing about your vampire lover, a real vampire hates your guts and wants to drink all your life away?

While you're fantasizing about Edward, Vlad Dracula is probably ripping someone's throat out. ^_^

Personally, i think Twilight was poorly written and couldn't follow through with the book. I started reading it to see what the fuss was about, and i wasn't impressed.

Sidenote: I'm all for exciting romantic relationships (i personally would love a half dragon chick!) but try alternatives to writing out an idea that's too similar to another piece of writing you've read to much. I can't write about a love story of two fighting families which ends in tragedy because that's already romeo and juliet. I have to twist it more to make it work.

Please don't make Dracula sad. =[
January 27th, 2010 at 04:47am