Addiction is an expensive is being an arse.

No, really. Addiction is obviously an expensive hobby, but being a stubborn asshole cost me $20 on Saturday.

Because I can't accept help (a free meal) from friends who genuinely want to help me out - seeing the fact that over 3/4ths of my income gets sent back home, and I have some bills piling up, I lost some money we all could've used, and in a very stupid way.

Long story short, they insisted on paying - I said no, they said yes, and I said no. They said yes...I said okay...

... And, I decide to put my piece of the bill (and some of theirs, since they feed me so often) in the bill-...thing restraunts hand you, and just
a.) Wait for them to notice and chew me out.
b.) Wait for them to notice, give up, and let me pay.

I sorta forgot about it, because we got distracted by the issue of what/where to game (It was either a Steve Jackson game, Dominion, or planning a D&D game I'm going to join up in a few weeks*)...
Now, they have a habit of tricking me into paying - my co-worker will ask for the bill before I can, even after I swear I'll pay for his meal. They'll pay while I'm taking a piss, and have no knowledge of this, and be too busy relieving myself to stop them. I thought I'd one-up'd them, and was pretty damned arrogant for about ten minutes, there.
...Turns out, they paid with a credit-card for everyone. I had, at this point, already forgotten that I'd put my LAST bit of cash for the next week and a half or so...yeah. So, I guess our waiter got a $20+ tip, considering we'd already tipped a full $20, without my addition counted in. That's awkward, since we were pretty talkative with her, and she was really a good server - but not enough for that...because, really, I feel like she'll get the wrong impression about what one of us were trying to say...

and, I know we'll go back. And I also know who put their name on the tab.

Maybe nobody else finds this remotely humorous or relevant, but I lost twenty bucks, only because I couldn't bare the idea of my friends spending their hard-earned cash on me, which led completely wasting everything I /did/ have. Heh.
Being an ass costs you.

-- from here on out, there was a lot of typing and thoughts about all the things I want/need to get/ have opinions on because I bought, mostly on RPG systems such as World of Darkness, and the expansions, Firestorm Armada, and Serenity...
Also, talk of Dungeons and Dragons 3.5, because I'm going to be gaming that, soon, so the forementioned (*) was leading to, as I was going to geek over my new character...(human-cleric, btw)

but, nobody would read that, and it was embarrassing to re-read, so...there's the condensed part. other things felt worth mentioning, that had nothing to do with the shit I waste my money on, but things relevant to Mibba - all forgotten... --

Oh, but...all I need now to be considered a full-fledged geek is:
- to learn Klingon
- to buy a Warhammer Fantasy/40k army (Chaos and Space Wolves, probably)

Oh, and I've got story ideas. None are good. Most are jokes, or things I wouldn't take seriously. Or things that are jokes that I, nor anybody else, would ever take seriously. Or read. Uhh. What that means is - I want to write something well-thought and serious, but I'm not sure that even I would read what I have ideas for. And that makes me sad...if I wouldn't read my own writing, what makes me think anyone else would?

Don't bring Twilight into this. Books like that will be easy to write, but I still dwouldn't read them...
...Huh. There's an idea. How hard can it be to write sparkly emotional foreplay for tweens?...And sex-deprived old women
January 27th, 2010 at 04:50am