Girlfriend Australia's Review Of NJ&TA

So this is the review of 'Who I Am' by Nick Jonas and the Administration in Girlfriend this month and my rebuttal :]

Warning: I swear alot.

"Ever wanted to find out just how unnecassary Joe and Kevin are to the Jonas Brothers? Then check out this solo slab from Nick (the real talent in the trio), which sounds exactly like a JoBro album. Note: Kevin and Joe fans, please check the Incoming page for hate mail address, thanks!"

Honestly....the hell?

Girlfriend magazine isn't worth shit, it's for all those stupid teenybopper, groupie wannabe fuckhead teenagers who don't know how to be themselves and really need to get a clue.

I'm ashamed to have bought the god damned magazine, giving money to this shameless journalism has made me sick to my stomach and if I had have read that little review before I put it into our grocery trolley, I would've put it back on the shelf.

"The real talent"

Excuse the fuck out of me, but Kevin and Joe HAVE TALENT!

Have you not watched Kevin play guitar? Or the mandolin? Have you watched Kevin play anything, at all?

And Joe, dear God, that guy can play a tamborine like nobody's business and his voice!!! He can act too, what the hell have you been doing with your time?

Oh right, I forgot, Kevin is "the other brother" who also just got married, so he's completely off your stupid little radar.
And Joe, well he's over the age of 18, so you cougar editors aren't getting that sick little thrill of perving on an underage star when you look at him, hmm?

Don't get me wrong, I love Nick and I think he's an amazing musician, but Joe and Kevin ARE necassary in the Jonas Brothers, otherwise it'd just be 'The Jonas Brother' and 'Conspiracy Theory' doesn't sound like just another JB album.

The reason Nick started the Administration is because he felt that this music was not right for the Brothers, so before you go sprouting this shit onto impressionable teens, how about you get your facts straight first, hmm?

My rant of the day...OVER!

I actually sent an edited version of this to Girlfriend Magazine.
January 27th, 2010 at 07:01am