Awh, Mibba, you tickle my fancy already! n.n

I must say, all the welcomes are really nice. (:

Considering I'm brand new, I didn't think I would get so many comments! I feel so cool. ;O; Hahaha, kidding!

But for serious...

Mibba r o c k s my socks already!

**Not to mention:

Your entry is too short (29 words). It has to be at least 100 words long.

~~ARE YOU SRS? That's awesome. That just proves to me that this site is worth it. O; Lack of spam, lovely welcoming committee... JOURNALS.

Gawsh. ._.

Why didn't I come to Mibba sooner? ^.^

PS: Can someone please tell me what is considered "spam" on this site? I don't want to get in trouble for possibly posting spam! ;-; (This isn't considered so, right?)

Thanks for reading! (:
January 28th, 2010 at 12:35am