An Interesting Part of an Interesting Conversation. And another shedevil outburst.

Oh, the joys of talking through Facebook. So much as happened in those little chat boxes.
So, earlier today, my boyfriend was like "we need to talk" but it wasn't cause he was breaking up with me.
So then he went on to say how much he loved me, and that he'd been thinking that I didn't like him as much back. Anyway, after all that was cleared up, he was like, "now the second thing, which I don't think will do over as well" (it wasn't too bad, considering)
So, of course, I said to go ahead.
Here's what he sent back:

Well. Its Zak. I get jealous of him sometimes. Its just, you two get along so well together, and i get really jealous And im not accusing you of anything, because I know you would never do this, but when i get on the bus and i see you and zak going off and hanging out, I just wonder. You dont know what its like after youve been cheated on. Its horrible. I trust you more than i trust just about anyone, but there always a glimmer of doubt. I guess you could say Im emotional scarred . I have nightmares all the time of me walking in and you and zak are.. And that first snowday we had, i remember that we were trying to get the planner from you, and zak jumped on you. It took all of my willpower that time to not beat the shit out of him there. Well anyways, Im not asking you to do anything, and im certainly not asking you to not hang out or be best friends with Zak, because I have no right to say or ask you to do that, I just wanted you to know how I feel.

...Zak's my best friend. And I told my boyfriend that. And that obviously nothing was going on with us, and that I'll never cheat on him.
If I wanted to go be with someone else, why would I not break up with him? I don't really understand why people cheat on each other. Why can't you just break up with your original boyfriend/girlfriend, instead of causing them the pain of being cheated on?
And my boyfriend has been saying how he's been annoyed with Zak, because apparently he acts totally different when I'm not there. I think this might have caused some of that annoyance towards him :P

Well, after all this, I think it might've strengthened our relationship.

Oh, and with the girl that tried to break us up, Shelby. I ended up sending her the thing in a message, and here's what happened:

It's fine that you don't want to be my friend, I'm perfectly fine with that. But I hope you figure stuff out, because obviously you're having some issues with something other than me.

Screw you bitch go fuck ur boyfriend i could care less about u or ryan because u both are jackasses.

aaand I replied, can't wait to see what she says next :P :
Out of the two of think I'm the bitch? I'm just trying to look out for you, because if you act like you did towards me, to someone else, they probably will freak out a lot more.

What'cha gonna say to THAT? :P

Ok, I guess I'm done with this, comment if you want? :)

Thanks for reading.

PS: Sorry if I sound like some little teenager who feels like I have a ton of problems. I don't think I have problems (other then the Shelby girl..but I'm getting past that). I'm just putting all this out here for opinions on the matters :P

PPS: Joe Jonas was the guest judge on American Idol. When they showed what he said, if they should go on, "yeah", "yeah", "I'm gonna say yeah", "yeah." When someone did bad he didn't even say no, he just kinda sat there. But, I guess that evens out how horrible Katy Perry was to people yesterday :P

PPPS: I love you all bunches. And if you have anything to say about anything I mentioned, go ahead and comment :) It really helps me out with all this, and I like hearing your opinions.
January 28th, 2010 at 05:07am