He knows...How! What! He knows about my feelings? Doees HE?

- Oh my God, It was just your typical English time, 8:30 am, sitting on a wooden chair. I was buisily listening to a group discussion......blah,,,,blah,,,blah,,,

I felt a sudden stare drilling behind my back, I know there were two guys behind me...two friendly guys, but one was really different, unique than the other guys who crossed my path, i had( note: past tense) some feelings for him...

1.Well, who doesnt like a guy with cute chocolate brown eyes, a smile like a kid who smiles instantly with just a joke, how corny it may be. He is smart, humorous, ya know someone you can talk random things with...plus, he plays chess, plays the guitar...hes not a nerd...i call this guy UNIQUE...

2.and the other guy sitting next to him, just behind me is a friend of mine, his a little devilish, he once got kicked out of the classroom by our pregnant teacher...its his fault. Making a little girl cry, a girl that looks like one of those girls scout selling cookies with those big pouty eyes and little girl attitude and he just talked to our teacher like a bully- as usual....
Well the thing is...he is a bit observant i might add.

Ok...ill skip the other details....

So this fabulous classmate of mine, her name is Ella, shes so fantastic...everyone likes her, including me for her beuty and creative imagination...Sometimes she might be a little dense but when it comes to social life, shes like wow, she can beat Einsteins butt.

She talked to me, asking me cute plans we store for our pranking future and our mibba and quizilla life. Ofcource i faced her meaning i also had a glimpse of the guy( in no. 1) After realizing i had a crush on him...we sorta didnt even greet each other anymore, didnt talk, we gave each other the cold shoulder, how I wish i could talk to him again like friends and seatmates again.....

Yeah I noticed Ella talking to me while she was silently giggling....and yes she is the one who knows the full secret of me liking this guy, I call him uncle for no reason...I just love it...Yeah that means....ya know...and shes my best friend in my mibba and quizilla life but were just friends in reality, classmates. After that I faced the other direction and slumped to my seat...I knew it...

Then the no 2 guy...devilish and observant whispered in my ear..." Is it true, you have a crush on Dale?" ....i was cursing in my head...I think so fast then I just gathered up all my talent in acting and said in the dullest voice i can master "No"...

Ella asked me after moments of dramatic silence in my head...I faced back again...then guy 2 said ..."your smiling and turning around just to look at him"...so I went back to my seat...I just mentally want to slap him...torture him and make him do those crucifix thingy....

I promised myself.......I wouldnt look at him like I had a crush on him...I must try I Know I got over it......

Have I?

I must try to avoid my feelings for him...

I got to admit its hard....really hArd......
January 28th, 2010 at 10:34am