
Dear mibba,
In these journals i'm gonna write about interesting things that happen with my boyfriend Sam. His life has always been pretty crazy, and now that im a part of it, im starting to see things a lot different than i did before i met him. [i guess thats a good thing, right?]
Anyways, were both in the same grade but he's 2 years older than me. [yeahh..i still havent figured that out lol] Literally everyone says were the cutest couple but i dont see why they say that, its not like were perfect or something. He's 6'1 and im 5'4, i have to Legit look at him everday, even when were sitting down. He has shoulder length, curly, dirty blonde hair that flips up at the end. [i find that oh so cute on guys;] oh and he's suuuper skinny! Also he has the brightest blue eyes i've ever seen, that make you get lost in them everytime. Sorry i just got all mushy lol
Hmmm, what else? He has a unique sense of style that i cant really catergorize. Its like skater/gangster. He's my little wangsterr(; haha he doesnt know about that nickname, thats between me and my friends. So his good friend Zach introduced us about 2 or 3 weeks ago, at school and we basically hit it off from then. Every night, we've texted, talked on the fone or video chatted which is always very interesting. [we usually vidchat when im at my best friend Jill's house because i dont have a webcam]
There's a plaza infront of my high school that has a small gym, a deli, a comic book store, a music store and other stores i dont remember. There's also a mcdonalds next to the plaza where everyone goes after school to eat & smokee lol Sam and Zach [oh you'll notice me saying zach was with us too, because he defintely has a bromance-crush on Sam. Even sam agrees with me on that] ohkay, anyways Sam and zach have taken me to the deli a few times after school which was really funn, even though i never get anything to eat. idk why lol
My next journal will be about the first day me and sam &&& zach -____- hung out outside of school. :D
January 29th, 2010 at 01:06am