It really is the small things that make a big impact.

So, I've been on Mibba for a few days and I think it's time for me to write a journal :] I'm getting around pretty easily and figuring everything out, and I haven't needed help yet :]

This morning a tall-ish, skinny, kind of cute black boy made my day. He and I were heading to the bus at the same time, and I paused to let him go before me, but instead... He stopped, looked and me, put his arm out to gesture me to go before him, and said "ladies first."

It was so surprising. I mean... Even if a guy had let me go before them, they'd never said that to me before, and I'd never heard a guy say it to another girl either. I know chivalry isn't completely dead and that there are a lot of sweet guys out there (including my boyfriend of course), but I never expected something like that.

I laughed, and he laughed and smiled at me, and then I got on the bus =] It was really sweet, and I thought about telling my boyfriend, but I've decided against it x]

Later on, I was walking in the hallway and this girl (who I used to see sometimes a while back, because one of my friends is friends with her) looked at me, and smiled. It wasn't a quick, fake smile; it was a real, genuine smile :] I smiled back at her and once again, my day was made :]

I just really like when people are nice and sweet to each other, and I hope I make people's days sometimes too.


Right now, I'm catching up on my General Hospital. I'm watching Lucky (the new Lucky, or rather... The old one that I never saw. He creeped the hell out of me at first and I despised him, but after seeing him and Luke actually bonding, and getting along, and seeing the emotional mess that Lucky really is right now... I really like him after all.) tell off Elizabeth, and boy is it intense!

Does anyone else on Mibba watch GH, or any soap for that matter?

I used to think I hated them - that they were over-dramatic, unbelievable shows that were just filled with awfully bad actors and actresses, but after I gave GH a chance, I became completely attached, haha :]

& once again, I can't end this.

January 29th, 2010 at 06:29pm