Was I chewing gum before?

Dear, stinkin' Diary.

As you can already tell, I'm fairly pissed. I have genetic dental problems,and now, for the second time in a row, lets just say that glue was supposed to stick for 10 even 15 years, and they can't even stick for half a year! Let alone 3 months!
I'm seriously considergin suing, but since he's sticking it back, without charge there should be no problem. The only problem is, I was planning to maybe go to that party after all, and maybe there kiss my X or something, only to bitch slap him after. Just because I know he's been paying attention to what I've been doing a lot lately. That jerk. Oh, and it also completely ruins my week end. Since it would be incredebly humiliating to do so.
Since I can't go in today, even if it is Friday, it's closed due to a storm.
Cross my fingers that my mom will be abble to do something. She usually can.

Anything to say?

With Love, P.
January 29th, 2010 at 07:49pm