Dreams Of The 2030?

I keep having really weird dreams. Last night I was on a tv show called "Sexest"

I was the only girl in a group of men, it was a weird version of survivor. But while we were in the jungle, these really ugly blue and pink couches kept falling from the sky.

WHAT THE HELL!!!!! Thats not the fisrt dream like that. I was riding a giant orange pidgon. We were high in the sky. We were listening to Bach and Hayden's master peices. But at the same time we were watching the world below us advance into a better tommorw...

Yeah... strange... really. One time I had a dream that Pebbles, frrom the flinstones, was pregnant. We were best friends and both 16.

But usually I have dreams about me in my future life. Like I had one once were I was married to Jim Carry (Dont Ask) And we had like... eight kids.

I really need to lay off the sugar.
January 31st, 2010 at 04:23am