venting / problem:\

Well I used to go out with this guy and he is bi so when everyone found out they freaked out. They all found out fast because he was very well know at our school. Whenever I was around school people I didn't even know would say "Hey that's Marcel's girlfriend!" or "Hey don't you go out with Marcel?" and it's so frustrating because they don't even know my name. Not that I really care if they do or not, but I don't want to be known as the girl who went out with a guy who was bi. He doesn't even go to our school anymore, but people still say those things and it's just making me mad:\ If someone knows how to solve this problem feel free to tell me. Also when people think I'm wrong for going out with a bi guy does that mean they are homophobes?
January 31st, 2010 at 04:26am