Random Ponderings During Recovery.

Things since my doctors appointment have been going good, I have gained another 2lbs since then. Never has my weight gain been so fast! lol. I am panicking a little but I just keep my mind off it by distracting myself.

Stopped myself from restricting this morning, I found I was doing the old thought processes so I chucked extra jam on my toast to show my ED I am in control not him.

I realised when I started recovery that I hated what I was doing to myself...and although it is hard I am changing it and all for one reason. I WANT MY LIFE BACK! I have been a self absorbed zombie for all to long and I want to live my life again and enjoy it without worrying about my weight, because it's just a number on the scales! In my head it still seems more but at the end of the day that is all that it is.

Made cornbread and cookies today (weird combo huh? lol)
The cornbread is for dinner, I'm making pasta so I've infused the cornbread with garlic to give it a italian feel. And I made the cookies because I just wanted to eat the dough. =P
Things we people in recovery do to gain weight. lol.
January 31st, 2010 at 12:54pm