Yes, man.

I watched Yes Man for the first time this morning. I actually wasn't expecting anything from it besides a comedy. I like Jim Carey a lot; he's really cute and every movie I see with him as the main character I find funny. Yet, this movie went beyond my expectations.

It was funny all the way through - it didn't make me hysteric, but it did keep me laughing throughout the entire movie.

More importantly though, it actually had a feeling... An emotion... A concept behind it, that most Jim Carey movies lack.

It was a cute romantic movie, with that Jim Carey comedy thrown in, and more than just a moral to walk away with.

The above video is my favorite part of the movie. It's just so sweet, and funny, but at the same time... Normal. I found it pretty epic :] Especially since I really like that song x]

What did you think of the movie?


I have two story ideas rolling around in my brain. Both of them really inspire me, and the plot has come to me, but the actual outline of the story hasn't.

The first story will be based on the song She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5, and the second story will be based on the movie titled The Boys Are Back.

They probably won't be out for a while, but you never know - keep an eye out for 'em :]

Also, I've been thinking about what I want to do in life. I've never really thought about it before because I'm just struggling to make it through high school, and to be honest, I've always just wanted to be a stay-at-home mommy.

However, I've come to the conclusion that I will either be a Kindergarten teacher or an editor.

(Although I know it's a lot of work to become an editor, if I even make it to editor, and a lot of very unglamorous secretary work, so I'm leaning towards the first one.)

I really enjoy correcting peoples' grammar and spelling and giving constructive criticism, even if I'm not the best. So if any one is looking for a beta reader for a new story, I'm totally up for it :]


Edit: Yay! :] I got a few stories to beta now, so I'm not accepting anymore.
January 31st, 2010 at 11:06pm