My poor baby Bunny! (my kitty)

What did I do to deserve such an angel kitty?

Okay, so, I have a LOT of kitties. If you want to know how many, ask, i'll tell you. So, these two cats sleep on my bed once in a while. Recently, they haven't been.

Also recently, I've began to sleep with a stuffed animal. The one i've been sleeping with got ripped, so the other day, I went in search of another one to sleep with.

So, I have this old cedar chest that is really thick and heavy. That's where I keep all of my stuffed animals. It was about 2AM, and I was talking to my little brother whilist grabbing one out. This was about, 3-4 days ago.

Today, I hear random meowing in my room. (Gives you time to laugh, because you already know what happened. Well, i didn't.) I crazily run around my room, in the daylight, with a flashlight, looking EVERYWHERE. throw everything around. I can't move my bed, but I moved my baskets, my chest, and everything around that area it was coming from. I'm thinking, one of my cats is hiding, and playing a sick joke on me. I'm gunna beat her up when I find her. After like, 10 minutes, I give up. I figure, she'll come out on her own. I turn the flash light off, and go to put the chest back, when I randomly decide, hm...let's open this thing. (NO idea why I decided to open it, but I did.) When I did, out jumped my kitty. She ran downstairs, presumably to eat, drink, use the kitty litter, ect. I literally, started BALLING! there was no other thing I could do. I cried SOO hard! She was up bouncing around, but she could have been DEAD! I loocked her in that chest for like, 4 days!! And I didn't even notice she was done. Neither did the rest of my family. What the hell is wrong with us!? I feel SOO horrible, I keep apologizing to her, and she rubs it off.

Anyways, she was following me around all night. She sat down next to me on the couch. And at 5:30AM, she is now sleeping right next to me on my bed. I lock her in a cedar chest for 4ish days, and she follows me and sleeps with me? What did I do the deserve such an angel kitty?

I love my baby bunny! <3 (yes, my cats name is bunny)

P.S. This was NOT done on purpose! I didn't even know she was in there until I opened it. I didn't know she crawled in there. I feel horrible about this. Everyopne keeps saying, look, she's fine! And they don't understand that if it was them, they'd feel this same way. (My parents, brothers, grandparents)
February 1st, 2010 at 11:40am