Am I Infatuated?

Mestizo, kinda tall and super handsome! That's Mr. Barbecue. Did you not wonder why I call him Mr. Barbecue? Hmmm.. Well, the reason is I used to see him in the barbecue stand doing some cheverness and chuva things.

I am so inspired because of him and every time I saw him, my day is already complete. I'm used to have many crushes. Celebreties like Enchong Dee, Coco Martin, Joshua Dionisio and even Makisig Morales. In school, I also have many crushes, even in Cantapoy.

They say, having a crush is 100% normal especially to us "teenagers". And for me, when this crush goes deep, I call it "LOVE". Hehehe.

You guys who are reading this, do you think Im in love with Mr. Barbecue or am I just infatuated? What do you think? :D
February 1st, 2010 at 01:32pm