Feeling like a pig

I feel like I don't stop eating! I am constantly wandering into the kitchen and grabbing things to eat!
It's just one thing after another and I feel like such a pig. Like for example I had my evening snack then I went and ate cereal out of the box and then a few pretzels and then a few bites of my mums concoction of vegan icecream with crunched ginger biscuits, banana and golden syrup. Yum but it made me feel guilty eating all that.
I know my body needs it but I feel so greedy and I am rather terrified that once I'm weight restored that I won't be able to stop and will get fat.

I am seeing my therapist on wednesday to find out exactly what my triggers are and how to deal with panic attacks etc. I'm really nervous to see my therapist just because I've had bad experiences with therapists in the past of which have not been very helpful.

Hit a few road bumps this week and have binged a bit and maybe purged once but I stopped myself before I got rid of it all. Once I see my therapist I hope it will help all this.
Got my blood tests results back from the doctors; all is well no sign of anemia or anything so that's good. I just have to gain weight to get my period back now.
I feel so sorry for my parents buying all the food that I get through lol, I only got a new jar of peanut butter on saturday and I'm nearly half way through it already!

I am a performing arts student and one which you'd call an all rounder; I sing, dance, act and play piano. And spent all day for the first day in ages energetic and happy doing a piece from grease with my class. I am starting to live my life at last and things have been looking good for me more or less.
February 1st, 2010 at 09:12pm