
Friends. They are one of the most important things which make up our lives. They are there as a shoulder to cry on, someone to talk to about our problems and cheer up our grey days. They make us smile and bring happiness to our lives. They care for you and they will always be there for you no matter what.

Yet, there is a darker side to friendship. Everyone has their problems and these can clash sometimes, even if you are the best of friends. Seeing people too much can be a cause of it, or if something they do, just gets to you. This depends on emotional strength. Some people are more sensitive than others and this tends to be because of what the person has been through during their life. Some sensitive people can learn to use it to their advantage and be really strong, where as others weep in silence.

‘Putting on an image’ is the most secretive secret weapon which people learn to use. It is the thing which I hate because you do not know the true person beneath the mask. The mask only disappears, if you really get to know the person. They can be feeling something on the inside, but then show a totally different feeling on the outside. It is a craft, and many people can do it successfully. It is strange to think that people can totally mask their feelings. But then some people like to be open about their feelings instead of bottling them up inside. I think that this is a good way to live life otherwise your feelings eat away at you from the inside which causes more problems to occur.

Being yourself, I think, is the most important thing in life. If there are multiple sides to a person, then people never figure out which side is the real one.This can determine who is a true friend and who is not.
February 1st, 2010 at 09:39pm