Ke$ha, Lady Gaga, Or Taylor Swift?

First off, doesn't Ke$ha look like a stoned Tay Swift? :D Haha, OK, So seriously, who is the best to you out of Ke$ha, Gaga, and Taylor Swift?

They are all pretty great to me.
And when i say who you like the best i mean like:
How they treat Fans
Their music (of course)
How they look (Style, Fashion)

Actually to me, Lady Gaga.
She seems... Unique.
Taylor Swift is awesome too, but her music is overplayed. Well, So is Gaga's and Ke$ha's too..

With music, Ke$ha's is all about partying..
Tay's is all about Boys...
And Lady Gaga's are just random (^.^)

Style: Lady Gaga!
LOL so just write down which person you feel is awesome.:D
February 2nd, 2010 at 03:34am