Well everyone I know has got a reason, to say: put the past away.

I've got an idea. I don't know how good it is, but that's what you can tell me.

If you haven't heard the song Jumper by Third Eye Blind, go listen to it, and then read on.

The song has pretty much the same meaning to everyone, but it touches people in so many different ways... Some people have experienced contemplating or even attempting suicide, others have had friends who have gone there, and others... Have experienced different situations altogether, some of which don't even have to do with suicide.

But no matter who you are, you have felt the feeling of sinking down so low that you feel beneath the surface of life. Everybody has been depressed; hurt; hopeless; lifeless.

Everyone has a story.

I was hoping that with the help of many other Mibbians, I could write a story.

Each chapter would be a different story, written by a different Mibbian. They won't be linked into one story, they will just be separate one-shots linked together in a collection - a collection of stories based on the above song.

What do you all think?

Any advice on how to make this a bit more creative?


Arugh :[

My boyfriend's phone got shut off, so I can't text him. He should be calling soon (from my grandparents house phone) to tell me good night, but who knows?

I miss him, even though I just saw him earlier today. I miss talking to him and telling him how I feel and asking what he's thinking about and knowing what he's up to.


My head hurts. I'm feeling lazy. And I'm tired.

I'm not sure what I want to do besides sleep, but I have to take a shower.

February 2nd, 2010 at 03:35am