
So, I'm sitting at my computer, right? I'm typing up stories, finishing other stories, and writing songs in between. Then, all of a sudden, I get hunger pangs!!! So, naturally, I conclude that I must eat a bowl of Cheerios. (I heart them lots)
Cheerios are my solace in a time of desperation and famine. They have ended many a quest of mine for food, and I have documented one such incident such as this on deviantart, including photos of the Saviour-Cereal in one of my mother's square bowls.
And, of course I'm going to rely on Cheerios again for nourishment (or lack there of) and to end my quest for a mid-work snack, right?

But there are none in the pantry.

I think I died a little, inside. I had to go on... WITHOUT MA CHEERIOS!!
Asking me to write, draw, pretty much anything that requires brain power and not give me Cheerios when I have the cravings is pure torture!! It's like telling me not to eat Skittles when they're put in front of me... or taking away allllll the Milk Duds and Reese's Pieces in the worlddddd!!! *I shudders* I can't bear to think of it...
But, In the end, I had to settle for a cup of tea instead. I was utterly heart broken.
February 2nd, 2010 at 04:00am