Well, I've found my inspiration, gais... [Yeah, I'm pretty fly.]

Pretty Fly (For A White Guy) - The Offspring

I've been looking for something to motivate me to do better in school. And, well, I found it.

I'm inspired by my therapist. I told her about how worried I was that I was failing and she asked how I thought it would effect my life entirely. That made me think a lot more.

I mean, if I failed, I would have to repeat it next year (depending on the class(es) - some you have to go to summer school for (if you have an E) and others you can repeat). That would also mean that I wasted not only one, but two school years on the same subject(s) that I detest.

Now that would absolutely suck. I would never want to do that.

That's now what my therapist was getting at, though. She wanted me to think more about it - think about how it would possibly prevent me from graduating. She said, "Passing a high school class is hard, but failing is even harder. If you don't try here and now, imagine how much harder the thought of trying will be when you're on your own. The earlier you start, the better you'll feel about yourself." She also mentioned how much happier I'd be if I was getting a good grade and didn't have to worry about failing every day.

My friends are also motivating me with their negativity.

I told them I'm going to try harder this quarter - this whole year, actually. Not one said, "Goo job, Lynsie! I'm happy you're straightening up and having a better attitude." Not one friend was even happy for me whatsoever.

Their responses were generally the same: "Yeah, let's see how long that lasts," "I doubt it," "HA! Funny," "You're Lynsie. You don't do good in school, you don't care, and you don't try."

So, there you have it. My therapist inspired me and my friends are motivating me. I'm going to prove my friend's wrong and my therapist right. I hope...

Thanks for reading! (:
February 4th, 2010 at 09:30pm