
Career path? I have no idea. My passions are drawing, Hip-Hop dancing, and singing, and writing. I do more singing and drawing than anything. I want to be a Tattoo artist but scince I was small Ive wanted to be a model. And I want to be a singer but then...I dont know. Ive been debating this for 2 years now...People pressuring me to choose. I dont know what I want to do.

Ive been writing poems for a real long time now. I write stories. They suck but im working on my grammar and spelling and how a story should go. As you can tell in my other journals I cant spell for crap and im just full of stupid things to say. Im a bit dislexic so it takes me a while to type things. Writing stories is hard but writing poems comes natural to me. Its a way to let people know how i feel without having to tell someone and be stuck trying to explain it.

Singing is something ive done scince I could talk. Over the years my voice has improved. High notes are easy to achieve when you practice all the time. Im proud of how much better my voice is. I sing in front of people whenever I can to get rid of my stage fright. Ive always had trouble talking or singing, or presenting anything in front of a big crowd. Like at the poetry contest i was fact i should make a story out of that awsome day! anyways i was so incredibly nervous people said they could see my hand shaking.

Dancing. Ive been doing it scince i was about 3. I think that dance is one of the most beautiful art forms. And no natalie freak dancing isnt in this category. Its something that helps me get into the music I listen to. You listen to the lyrics and the beat of the song and come up with motions to go along with it.

Ive been drawing scince I could pick up a crayon and make squiggles. Im preety good at drawing black and white portraits. My friends say I could possibly be the next Kat Von D and she is the one person I admire the most.

But I just cant seem to make up my mind.

Ill stick to doing all of them and maybe Ill make up my mind one day.
February 4th, 2010 at 10:39pm