It's Here!

I finally finished Chapter One of EoO, so go take a look! 8D It's a little shorter than I first anticipated, but after thinking about it long and hard, I decided to cut Browen's next scene and save it for Chapter Two, which should be done by next Friday hopefully. I'm really sick at the moment, but I'm still trying to write since it's so god-awfully addicting xP.

Yesterday, I lost my voice and got to skip school. I'm also missing today, but I'm running on four hours of sleep while typing this, so I may not even be on much. Or maybe I will. I've never really needed much sleep to function, which like statistically is what, like 4% of people? Something like that.

Anyway, with Chapter One up, and Chapter Two under works, the 3k amount of words I've amassed makes EoO the longest piece of fiction I've ever written, and the longest time I've ever stayed dedicated to a work of fiction. Go me, right?

Until next week (or time, I don't know anymore),

Nolan a k a Barry (or vice versa, whichever floats your boat)
February 5th, 2010 at 01:35pm