People Who Whine About Valentine's Day Need To Shut Up

This all, importantly, my opinion. So respect that. Anyway, I really dislike it when people complain about being lonely on Valentine's Day. Shouldn't they have something more productive to do? Like, I don't know, maybe try and do something better with their life then whine. I understand that being single sucks, we've all been on that boat, but when people constantly complain that Valentine's Day is going to suck and that it should just go to hell makes me want to slap them upside the head and yell for a good fifteen minutes...

Or maybe just five because fifteen is kind of pushing it and I'd run out of things to yell about.

To be honest, I've never once complained about Valentine's Day. No, seriously. Because I remember in elementary school when Valentine's Day was NOT about having someone to make out with. It was about the candy...THE FOOD! The red food coloring and cupcakes. To this day, I wish that high school was like that. With the handmade heart envelopes where people would put the Harry Potter or Sponge Bob "Be My Valentine" Valentine's Day cards in. Plus, the candy.

So usually when someone complains about it, I usually tell them to suck it up and OD on some chocolate, because it gets really annoying, really fast. And my birthday is two days before that day, so I don't want people to ruin my excitement, which happens anyway because there's always a stupid person being an idiot SOMEWHERE! And they always have to do or say something to tick me off.

I don't care a out the history of Valentine's Day or anything like that, I care about it being a day to celebrate more then a "significant" other. In my opinion, it's a day to celebrate loving EVERYONE that you know. So why does it have to be turned into a self-centered, "I need someone to be my bf/bf or I'm going to die" day.

Urgh...screw people!
February 5th, 2010 at 06:35pm