And Informative Guide To The "F*ck This Bullsh*t" Syndrome, It's Symtoms And Ways To Cure It.

Picture this : it's been a long day at school ; test drama and a whole lotta homework had been plaguing you for hours. You step through that door and the first thing that approaches you is your parent drilling you about chorus that need to be done 'at this moment.' . You clean and work for a few hours before you go up to your room and shut the door. You look at the clock. 6pm. You dump out everything in your bag and look through it. Blank out. You decided to eat/listen to music/watch tv for a "minute"

Soon its 7:30

You quickly stop whatever you were doing and look through all of your homework again and began to start it. At the beginning stages of work you get this sensation in your mind ; a feeling of annoyance, frustration and just plain laziness. It may begin like a thought in the beginning but then it wraps around your brain like a thick snug fleece blanket just taken out of the dryer. Soon it spreads thought out your body and then it happens :

"Fuck This Bullshit!"

Sounds familiar?


In a study developed by MadeUp University of Imagined, Indiana , 99.893453333etc% of children in highschool have developed Fuck This Bullshit Syndrome before on a weekly basis and some have developed more serious cases that accure on a hourly bases.

Fuck This Bullshit Syndrome , or just FTBS, may occur during the following situations : excessive amounts of homework, parental bullshit, drama bullshit, hunger, drowsiness, and deeply fried turkey meat.

If these symptoms continue , they may lead to I-Don't-Give-A-Shit-osis, an even more dire level of FTBS, that leaves the patient in a life long state of FTBS.

If you have been in the following situations mentioned earlier over the last month more than once each, you maybe on your way towards FTBS or maybe in the early stages

But there is a cure.

The following will give suggestions and cures to FTBS :

1. Coffee : Coffee is the number one medicine for curing FTBS. It give you a moment of energy and focus that will help you throughout your day

2. Organization : Cleaning the area of a place you will be concentrating in for a long term period of time will not only make you mind feel more open, ready and focus but also get your parents off your back.

3. Plan Out Your Day : Everything from what you're gonna wear, who to talk to, and when to do your homework. You'll feel much more prepared for anything and wont feel like you have no time to do anything.

4. Ignore Human Made Bullshit : It may seem easier said than done, but it truly isn't. the less you care about other's problems and lies and dramas focused on you, the less they will start caring too. If you giving them something to look forward to (your reaction) then they will continue with the bullshitting. STOP. IGNORE. WALK WALK AWAY.

For any question or detail about our seminars call toll free at 1-800-555-BULL
February 6th, 2010 at 02:21am